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■ゴーストママ捜査線~僕とママの不思議な100日~■(Go-sutomama sousasenn=Ghost Mom Investigation Line - My Mysterious 100 Days with Mom)









当時「ごくせん」で、最強コンビと言われた「仲間 由紀恵と生瀬 勝久」が、実に見事で新しい世界観を作っています。



Choko Uehara (Yukie Nakama), a police officer, has a strong sense of justice and happens to be nearby at the scene of a fire, where she tries to help a child who was too late to escape, but ends up losing her life there.
After that, the family's face becomes gloomy, and despite her husband Kohei's (Kazuki Sawamura) efforts to cheer her up, she continues to feel depressed every day.

Her son "Tonbo" (Kimino Yuma) was also feeling discouraged every day, but one day, when he put on his mother Choko's glasses as a memento, he saw something...! ! In front of my eyes is my mother, who was supposed to be dead! !

When I put on my keepsake glasses, for some reason all I could see was my son's "dragonfly"...
That's right, Choko, who was worried about the dragonfly, became a ghost and remained in this world due to her regrets.

In this way, the ghost mother "Chouko" and the weak son "Dragonfly"...
A chaotic life begins involving her husband Kohei, daughter Aoi (Shida Mirai), and former colleagues.


To be honest, there are some similarities with the 1990 American film ``Ghost.''
However, the similarities are only in the beginning and end, and are very general; the details of each episode are completely different.

Yukie Nakama and Katsuhisa Namase, who were said to be the strongest duo in Gokusen at the time, created a truly wonderful and new worldview.
Not only is the comedy brought out by the golden duo, but the story of each episode is also very interesting! !
I felt that this casting was what made it so interesting.

What's more, it's a drama that depicts the classic bond and emotions between parents and children, so you'll be able to cry more than once from the first episode!
It's funny and makes you cry...is there a better drama than this?
If you haven't seen it yet, please check it out at least once!
It can truly be said to be a "masterpiece drama."